Search results

11-18 of 18 result(s)

NHS employers are failing staff on menopause support says the RCM calling for urgent improvements

18 October 2022 Support from employers for maternity staff going through the menopause is ‘appallingly neglected’ and urgent improvements are needed says the Royal College of Midwives (RCM). The call comes as the RCM publishes guidance today for maternity ...

More flexible working vital to stop staff flight from NHS says RCM

19 October 2022 The Royal College of Midwives (RCM) is calling for more flexible working in the NHS to boost retention of midwives, maternity support workers (MSW) and other staff. This comes in an RCM motion to the TUC Congress today. Staff are leaving the NHS ...

Upcoming pension changes support more flexible working for retired NHS staff

28 March 2023 Midwives who retire but still want to do some NHS work will benefit from NHS pension scheme rule changes from 1 April 2023. The changes affect those who have 1995 pension scheme section benefits. From 1 April those who are retired can return to ...

‘The country has voted for change, so let’s work together to change our maternity services for the better,’ says RCM

05 July 2024 The Royal College of Midwives (RCM) today will be writing to the new Secretary for State for Health and Social Care on their first day on the job to ensure improving UK maternity services is top of their agenda. The RCM says action on safety and staffing ...

RCM calls for better support for disabled NHS staff in TUC motion

12 July 2023 The Royal College of Midwives (RCM) says a change is needed urgently in how funds for reasonable adjustments for disabled NHS staff are allocated at Trust level. In a motion – presented by RCM member Mandi Masters - to the TUC Disabled Workers ...

RCM call for government to ensure maternity is key plank of women’s health strategy

25 July 2023 The Royal College of Midwives (RCM) has called on the Government to ensure that maternity care is central to its women’s health strategy, following the announcement last week of several new measures aimed at improving women’s health

RCM tells politicians how to fix the midwifery staffing crisis with new pre-election guide

29 February 2024 'Ending the national midwife shortage is possible,’ says the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) as it launches a new guide with solutions for the next UK Parliament. Low-cost solutions to improve working conditions for midwives, practical ...