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Safety in maternity
This short recording focuses on aspects of safety in maternity and three projects the RCM is collaborating on.
Advance to continuity of carer - RCM launches continuity of carer board game
A board game to support midwives and maternity services to move towards more continuity of care and carer is being launched today at the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) Annual Conference. Continuity of care and carer is a key element of the Better ...
Care outside guidance webinar
How midwives can personalise care and women’s choice, including when those fall outside clinical recommendations.RCM responds to CQC’s national maternity survey results
The CQC’s national maternity survey 2017 published today (Tuesday 30th January) has highlighted improvements in areas such as choice of where to give birth, quality of information and access to help and support after giving birth.RCM responds to new maternity package announcement by Department of Health
Today (Sunday 30th December) Secretary of State for Health and Social Care Matt Hancock has announced a new NHS maternity package for England.