1-10 of 98 result(s)

Delivering a gold standard of bereavement care webinar
A webinar for all on providing high quality bereavement care.
Internationally recruited midwives; what the RCM can do for you
An introduction to the RCM for internationally educated midwives.
ECM virtual workshop: support a positive culture for the future
Explore positive workplace cultures and leadership in your practice.
Student places to increase in Scotland
The number of student midwives and nurses entering Scottish Government funded degree programmes will increase by 10.8% in 2018/19.RCM responds to Scottish Government announcement on more student midwife places
Today Scotland’s Health Secretary Jeane Freeman has announced an increase in the number of student midwives in training for the next year.
My elective reflection at The Royal College of Midwives
In the hottest week of the year in July 2019, I embarked upon a journey with the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) for my elective placement as part of my midwifery training.
Student Midwife Cara Evans on her elective at RCM
Before making the trip down to London to carry out my elective at the Royal College of Midwives, I wasn’t sure what to expect. Despite having worked alongside the RCM at several points throughout my studies, I wanted to know exactly how the RCM ...
Getting to know the Student Midwife Forum
This webinar introduces the current SMF and the work they have been doing on behalf of student across the UK
Nurturing and supporting student midwives
A panel discussion about nurturing and supporting student midwives in the current midwifery climate.