1-10 of 19 result(s)

Numberjacks: New calculations reveal growing midwife shortage
The RCM’s Public Affairs Advisor, Stuart Bonar, explains how the midwife shortage in England is getting bigger, rather than smaller.Progress needs to be at pace, but not a snail’s pace
As another report details failings in maternity care, Abbie Aplin, the RCM’s Director for Maternity Reform, outlines how the College is speaking truth to power and giving practical support to those working on the frontline.Pay in England: what the offer means for you
Today (3 April) the RCM opened its pay consultation to members working in the NHS in England to find out if they accept or reject the latest pay offer made by the Westminster Government. To help you make an informed decision I want to share what the ...Chancellor’s plans: a threat not a help to the NHS
Before disappearing off to their party conferences, politicians have been back at Westminster for a couple of days, frantically making announcements in the little time they have. RCM Public Affairs Advisor Stuart Bonar shares what recent ...Shout to the top
The issue that we receive more feedback from members than anything else, has been the huge challenge of trying to implement continuity of carer during the stress and demands of COVID-19. Midwives are increasingly distressed that all their ...Better workforce planning key to getting NHS back on track
As the media carries more stories of cancelled operations and delays to treatment, politicians and commentators are demanding that something is done. While delays in maternity may be a possibility, finding a coherent national plan for tackling ...A tried and trusted voice
As we settle into another year, we carry with us the weight of the ongoing pandemic and added concerns and anxieties regarding the Government’s decision to introduce mandatory vaccines in England for frontline staff. This is something the ...What to expect from party conference season
After a one-year gap because of you-know-what, this autumn sees the return of in-person party conferences. Gone are the speeches delivered over Zoom and calls of “you’re on mute” when someone tries to ask a question; back are lanyard-wearing ...Thursday is decision day in elections across Britain
At 7am on Thursday 6 May, polling stations across England, Scotland and Wales will open their doors for 15 hours so that up to 48 million people can cast their votes in a whole host of elections.