1-10 of 16 result(s)

Improving maternity: Making maternity services safer: The role of leadership
The Solution series - Making maternity services safer: The role of leadership
Making maternity services safer: The Human factors
Making maternity services safer: The Human factors
Making maternity services safer: Nurturing a positive culture
Making maternity services safer: Nurturing a positive culture
Designing systems to reduce individual errors will improve maternity safety says RCM
Recognising that people make errors and designing systems to reduce the chances of this happening will improve maternity safety, says the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) publishing the third instalment in its Solution Series.
Time lessons are learned, and mistakes not repeated says RCM as its launches new safety series
'Learning lessons from both failed and successful maternity services is crucial to ensure mistakes are not repeated and good practice is shared'. That is the message from the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) as it launches the first installment ...
Improving maternity: Learning from reviews of maternity services
The Solution series - Improving maternity: Learning from reviews of maternity services
Effective and inclusive leadership a key factor in improving safety, says RCM
Effective and inclusive leadership is a key factor in improving safety in maternity services. That’s the message from the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) as it launches the second instalment in its new Solution Series. The interim Ockenden ...Working culture, a crucial factor in delivering safer maternity care, says RCM on World Patient Safety Day
Poor working cultures must be tackled if we are to make UK maternity services safer, so says the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) on World Patient Safety Day. A positive working environment, where multi-disciplinary teams work and train together, ...
RCM responds to report on factors affecting the delivery of safe care in midwifery units’
The Royal College of Midwives (RCM) has warned that staffing levels and access to training remain the key factors that prohibit the delivery of safe maternity care, following the publication of a new report on safe care in midwifery-led units ...