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61-70 of 91 result(s)

RCM calls for greater investment in Welsh maternity services

20 November 2020 The Royal College of Midwives (RCM) has welcomed the progress in making maternity services in Wales safer and better but says there is still work to be done to ensure world-class maternity care. The RCM’s comments come as Healthcare Inspectorate ...

More renew than review – but welcome nonetheless

26 March 2021 The role of the midwife in helping to determine the future could not be clearer. The life chances of a child hinge on the first 1001 days from conception, so the evidence shows. The Leadsom Review outlines ambitions to give every baby the best start ...

Darzi’s dark cloud

12 September 2024 RCM Public Affairs Adviser Stuart Bonar gives early analysis of Lord Darzi’s independent investigation of the NHS in England – and all our hopes for a future silver lining.