Search results

11-20 of 159 result(s)

Midwifery matters at the NMC

24 May 2021 Someone recently said that our approach to midwifery practice at the NMC should be to “think once, think twice, think midwife!” With more than 39,000 midwives on our permanent register, we recognise how important it is to have a positive ...

Race Matters for all of us

26 May 2021 It has been a whole year since the murder of George Floyd, an event that shook many individuals and organisaitons into action against systemic racism. I don’t think any of us, regardless of who we are or where we come from, have not been disturbed ...

Latest on pensions

09 February 2021 The Government has published their response to the NHS pension scheme consultation that closed on 11 October 2020. The consultation was to decide how to correct the discrimination that has been identified in the McCloud Judgement and came ...

Wasting no time when it comes to pay

20 May 2021 It’s been a whole month since I wrote my last blog on pay. In one month, we’ve seen Scotland members accept a headline offer of four per cent. We’ve seen the majority of the public call out the measly one per cent offer for England. We’ve seen celebrities ...