1-10 of 75 result(s)

RCM Branches
There are almost 200 RCM branches across all four countries which receive funding to host branch learning events, support members to attend RCM conferences and reimburse workplace representatives' expenses incurred in the course of supporting ...RCM Branch resources
Various resources for use by RCM Branch officers.MCAs in NHS Fourth Valley
Midwives are always thought of as at the heart of maternity care and although this is true in many aspects of midwifery, the MCA/MSW role has evolved to a level where they have become true partners in our delivery of maternity care.Our MCA Journey in Fife
Our MCA Journey in Fife
South Eastern Trust branch
Awarding the Hazel McCalister Exceptional Midwife Award
Sad news - Calderdale and Huddersfield
Passing of retired midwife Joyce MackintoshImperial Branch Student Midwife enrichment week
The RCM Imperial branch are holding a week of events specifically aimed at student midwives to gain new knowledge and take time out for their own wellbeingHywel Dda celebrates IDM with feel good campaign
The branch is supporting random acts of kindness month throughout February across all sites in Hywel Dda.
Swansea Bay IDM celebrations
The celebrations for IDM in Swansea bay started off with a virtual coffee morning at 10. This was a drop in coffee morning to chat about all things not work related. It was well attended by 20 staff and despite it not supposed to be work related, ...