1-8 of 8 result(s)

RCM welcomes introduction of baby loss certificates
The Royal College of Midwives (RCM) has welcomed the launch of baby loss certificates for parents who have experienced the loss of a baby before 24 weeks of pregnancy. From today parents in England can access the government’s voluntary scheme ...
NHS staff praise pioneering maternity programme
A programme to reduce the number of stillbirths, neonatal admissions and deaths resulting from multiple pregnancies, is being praised by midwives, obstetricians and sonographers at maternity units across England.Stillbirth: death by another name
Bereaved father David Monteith delivered a captivating and deeply moving account of his family’s experience of stillbirth – sharing not only his story, but also vital lessons about the care, which can make a difference, at the RCM annual conference ...
New strategy to reduce stillbirths remains unproven
A new study trialling a care package aimed at reducing the risk of babies being stillborn offers only a marginal drop say researchers.
Sands launches bereavement support app
Stillbirth and neonatal death charity Sands has launched an innovative new app to support bereaved parents, families and professionals in the UK.
New workplace law for parents of stillborn babies
Parents who suffer a stillbirth from 24 weeks’ gestation will be entitled to two weeks’ paid leave under a new law enshrined today (13 September).
National guidance could prevent stillbirths
A new report reveals how the number of stillbirths fell by a fifth at maternity units where national guidance has been adopted.