1-10 of 631 result(s)

RCM shines light on issues impacting its members at TUC Congress
A strong RCM delegation made up of midwives, maternity support workers (MSWs) and RCM staff attended the TUC’s Annual Congress in Brighton this week. The RCM used this year’s congress as another opportunity to shine a light on the issues affecting ...
RCM urges members in Scotland to have their say on pay offer
The Royal College of Midwives (RCM) is calling on all its members working in the NHS in Scotland to have their say on the pay. The call comes as the RCM opens a three-week consultation with midwives and maternity care assistants in Scotland today. This ...
Pay offer finally arrives for RCM members in Scotland
After months of waiting RCM members working in the NHS in Scotland have finally been offered an overdue pay increase. Scotland’s Health Minster Neil Gray yesterday announced the offer of 5.5% which will be backdated to 1 April for all Agenda ...
Y Fantais Gymraeg i Undebau – The Welsh Advantage for Unions
The Royal College of Midwives (RCM) has called for a new approach in hospital inspections, following an apology from the Interim Chief Executive of the Care Quality Commission (CQC) for the implementation of their new regulatory approach. In ...RCM statement on harassment and intimidation of midwives and MSWs
Every midwife, every maternity support worker, every member of NHS staff has the right to go to work without fear of harassment or intimidation, and we stand with every single one of them.
RCM publishes results of pay consultation with members in England
Midwives and maternity support workers (MSWs) working in the NHS in England have had their say on the recent 5.5% pay award announced by the new Government. Following a two-week consultation the RCM says 60 percent of its members have said ...
Royal College of Midwives to consult members in England on latest pay offer
Following the Government’s announcement earlier this week (30 July) that it would accept the 5.5% pay increase proposed by the NHS Pay Review Body, the Royal College of Midwives is to consult its members on their views about the award.
What the King's Speech means for RCM members and the women they care for
The Royal College of Midwives (RCM) has welcomed elements of The King's Speech today saying it has ‘helpfully unveiled more of the new Government’s direction’. Importantly the RCM says it has signalled updates to trade union legislation that ...
RCM calls on CQC to seek partnership, not punishment, in regulation
The Royal College of Midwives (RCM) has called for a new approach in hospital inspections, following an apology from the Interim Chief Executive of the Care Quality Commission (CQC) for the implementation of their new regulatory approach. In ...