1-10 of 34 result(s)

Financial hardship fuels dropout fears among student midwives
The RCM Scotland Student Midwives Finance Report highlights that 70% of midwifery students had to take on additional debt to cover the cost of their studies.
RCM calls to forgive student debt at TUC Women’s Conference
The Royal College of Midwives (RCM) has today called on the Government to forgive student midwife debt and expand financial support for all healthcare students. The call comes in an RCM motion to the TUC Women’s Conference on the eve of International ...Northern Ireland Midwives ‘say enough is enough’ as they prepare to go on strike
Today midwives and maternity support worker (MSW) members of the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) across Northern Ireland have announced strike action from 8am to 4pm on Friday 22 September. They will also be taking industrial action short ...
Midwifery education facing ‘unprecedented challenges'
The Royal College of Midwives (RCM) is warning that plans to recruit and educate new midwives will be severely undermined unless substantial and sustained investment is made in midwifery education.
Commissioning of report into Northern Ireland midwifery services ‘a step in the right direction,’ says RCM
The Royal College of Midwives (RCM) has welcomed the Department of Health’s announcement today on the commissioning of a report into Northern Ireland’s midwifery services. The College sees this review, to be led by Professor Mary Renfrew, ...
From Aberdeen to Zurich: international midwife quartet win UK award
A project for student midwives that stretches across international boundaries has won four midwifery lecturers from Scotland and Switzerland a national award from the Royal College of Midwives (RCM).
Supporting mental health in pregnancy project wins Barnsley midwives a national award
Improving support for women with mental health issues in pregnancy has won a midwife pair from Barnsley a national award from the Royal College of Midwives (RCM). Yasmeen Akhtar and Melissa Addy – specialist mental health midwives at Barnsley ...
Regulatory adviser receives national midwifery honour
A senior midwife who advises the Nursing and Midwifery Council on education issues has received a prestigious Royal College of Midwives (RCM) Fellowship. Dr Jacqui Williams received the award for her many contributions to midwifery in ...
Leading Scottish midwife recognised by Royal College
A midwife who has developed and delivered education and care programmes in Scotland and Vietnam has received a prestigious Royal College of Midwives (RCM) Fellowship.