1-10 of 19 result(s)

Regulatory adviser receives national midwifery honour
A senior midwife who advises the Nursing and Midwifery Council on education issues has received a prestigious Royal College of Midwives (RCM) Fellowship. Dr Jacqui Williams received the award for her many contributions to midwifery in ...
Leading Scottish midwife recognised by Royal College
A midwife who has developed and delivered education and care programmes in Scotland and Vietnam has received a prestigious Royal College of Midwives (RCM) Fellowship.
Leading midwifery educator, Dr Helen Bedford awarded national honour
A midwife who developed a system for pregnant women to hold their own maternity records has been honoured with a Fellowship from the Royal College of Midwives (RCM for her contribution to midwifery. Dr Helen Bedford received the award at the ...
Leading expert on health equity awarded top midwifery honour
Dr Alison Callwood, a leading expert in admissions to health professions education programmes, has received a prestigious Royal College of Midwives (RCM) Fellowship for her contribution to midwifery. She received her Fellowship at the ...
Leading Welsh midwife honoured by Royal College
A leading Welsh midwife has received a prestigious Royal College of Midwives (RCM) Fellowship for her contribution to midwifery. Dr Suzanne Hardacre received her Fellowship at the RCM’s Education and Research Conference in Birmingham on ...
Professor of maternal and infant health receives RCM Fellowship
A professor who leads and champions research on maternal and infant health at Sheffield Hallam University has been honoured with an RCM Fellowship. Hora Soltani research focuses on care models to reduce health inequalities for mothers ...
Coventry midwife wins national award for improving pregnancy care for women with genetic condition
An academic midwife from Coventry University has won a national award for her research around pregnancy in women with a rarely diagnosed genetic condition. Dr Sally Pezaro received the Royal College of Midwives Partnership Working award ...
Belfast maternity teams hit the jackpot with multiple wins at national awards
Midwives and maternity support workers at Belfast Health and Social Care Trust hit the jackpot, with no fewer than four wins at the annual Royal College of Midwives (RCM) annual awards on 27 October. Staff at the Trust scooped the Thompsons Members' ...Women should get birth pain relief that is right for them says RCM on new research
Women should get the pain relief that is right for them says the Royal College of Midwives responding to new research on pain relief in childbirth.