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Evidence Based Midwifery - December 2012

01 December 2012 Editorial: Pregnancy: the battle against hidden harm from chemicals, viruses, bacteria, pollutants and chips | Exploring women’s experiences of smoking during pregnancy and the postpartum | Intention and attitudes towards breastfeeding ...

Midwives and Public Health

Public health is defined as “the art and science of preventing disease, prolonging life and promoting health through the organised efforts of society” (Acheson, 1988; WHO). In other words, public health seeks to identify risks to health and ...

Stop smoking incentive scheme a positive step but investment on many fronts needed says RCM

11 April 2023 More investment is needed on multiple fronts to continue reducing smoking in pregnancy rates says the Royal College of Midwives (RCM). The College’s call follows today’s Government announcement of a financial incentive scheme to encourage ...