161-170 of 241 result(s)
Midwives Magazine

Midwives Magazine - Winter 2016

01 December 2016 Midwives and PTSD - Why are more and more midwives succumbing to the stresses of the job? | PTSD - A community widwife recounts her experience of traumatic stress | NMPA - A new national audit is using routine data to improve services | Attrition ...
Promoting better Maternity Services

E-cigarettes in pregnancy

01 October 2016 This infographic responds to frequently asked questions about smoking cigarettes and vaping during pregnancy.
Promoting better Maternity Services

The RCM standards for midwifery services in the UK

01 September 2016 The RCM has developed these midwifery service standards within a framework, to enable service providers, commissioners and RCM members to deliver compassionate, well-led, professional evidence-based midwifery care which maximises ...
Midwives Magazine

Midwives Magazine - Autumn 2016

01 September 2016 Fertility, feminism and family planning - The pill’s impact on women and midwives | Relationships - How to help couples struggling with their relationships | Models of care - A look at different models to provide continuity of carer | Vitamin ...
Midwives Magazine

Midwives Magazine - Summer 2016

01 June 2016 The next generation game - Extensive coverage of the report of the National Maternity Review for England | Kangaroo care - A group of midwives and an international charity take kangaroo mother care to China | Powys midwifery - Looking at the emergency ...
Midwives Magazine

Midwives Magazine - Spring 2016

01 March 2016 Disabilities - The free training resources on disability for midwives | PTP - Supporting students to become autonomous practitioners | Charity work -How two student midwives set up their own charities alongside their studies | Public health ...