231-240 of 241 result(s)

Midwives Issue 1 - Feb/Mar 2010
Albany - Midwives’ explores King’s decision to terminate its contract with Albany | Bleeding disorders - The first of three articles on the most common disorders | Waterbirth - Jane Pidgeon describes a risk assessment tool for supporting women ...
Working with humanitarian organisations: a guide for nurses, midwives and healthcare professionals
This guide provides advice for health care professionals who want to work as humanitarian aid volunteers in emergency situations or in ongoing development work. It was jointly developed by the Royal College of Nursing (RCN), the Royal College ...
Evidence Based Midwifery - December 2009
Editorial: Understanding intellectual property | A qualitative study exploring women’s and health professionals’ views of newborn bathing practices | Assessing the feasibility of a randomised controlled trial of birth on a birthing seat ...
Evidence Based Midwifery - September 2009
Editorial: Observations from the field of PhD research | Down’s syndrome screening in Northern Ireland: women’s reasons for accepting or declining serum testing | Applying critical medical anthropology to midwifery research | Pain and ...
Evidence Based Midwifery - June 2009
Editorial: Practice: a battlefield where the natural versus the technological | Reflections on engaging in participatory research | Student midwives’ experience of bullying | Can the use of behavioural intervention studies support change ...
Evidence Based Midwifery - March 2009
Editorial: On the antiquity of evidence-based midwifery and its discontents | Midwife sonographer activity in the UK | The impact of the birth of the first child on a couple’s relationship | Are student midwives influenced by the ‘traditional’ ...
Evidence Based Midwifery - December 2008
Editorial: Midwife-led versus other models of care for childbearing women | Evaluation of the provision of perinatal mental health services in two English strategic health authorities | Eliciting women’s preferences for maternity care ...
Evidence Based Midwifery - September 2008
Editorial: From research assessment exercise (RAE) 2008... to research excellence framework (REF) 2013. | Feasibility study to test Designer Breastfeeding | Ability to detect intrauterine fetal growth restriction | Routine screening ...
Evidence Based Midwifery - June 2008
Editorial: Systematic reviews: the never-ending search for answers to important questions | The ups and downs of running randomised trials | Research among African refugee populations in Melbourne, Australia: dilemmas and challenges ...