201-210 of 240 result(s)
Midwives Magazine

Midwives Magazine - Issue 6 - 2012

01 November 2012 Cutting Edge - Jan Wallis reviews the latest midwifery-related research. | How To... Test for glucose intolerance | The NHS - What will the NHS look like under Hunt? | RCM Awards - Safeguarding practice in Plymouth | Vitamin D - Promoting supplementation ...
Midwives Magazine

Midwives Magazine - Issue 5 - 2012

01 September 2012 NMC - Can the damaged regulator be repaired? | RCM Awards - Bereavement care in Northern Ireland | Healthy Eating - Rebecca Grant looks at advice for midwives on broaching weight issues | Supervision - How a buddy system can improve CTG interpretations ...
Evidence-Based Midwifery Journal

Evidence Based Midwifery - September 2012

01 September 2012 Editorial: What do we hope to achieve through doctoral midwifery research education? | The politics of evidence and complex interventions | Repeat CS or VBAC? | Jordanian pregnant women’s knowledge, expectations, and informed choice of ...
Midwives Magazine

Midwives Magazine - Issue 4 - 2012

01 July 2012 Global Birth - Looking into women’s freedom of choice | RCM Awards - The Oasis Birthing Centre | Swaddling Babies - Dr Val Finigan looks at the pros and cons of the ancient practice | Childbirth myths - Exploring global superstitions | Group B Strep ...
Midwives Magazine

Midwives Magazine - Issue 3 - 2012

01 June 2012 Television Delivers - A look at the impact of Call the Midwife and the effects it may have | RCM Awards - Helping those who are most in need | Marketing Maternity - Successful strategies for the marketing of maternity services | Cervical Screening ...
Evidence-Based Midwifery Journal

Evidence Based Midwifery - June 2012

01 June 2012 Editorial: Appropriateness of technology interventions in maternity systems | Pushing boundaries and making it happen | The translation of the childbirth self-efficacy inventory into Arabic | Enhancing parent-infant bonding using kangaroo ...
Midwives Magazine

Midwives Magazine - Issue 2 - 2012

01 April 2012 Birth Forecasting - Could the midwifery crisis have been spotted earlier? | Guide to Money - The Money Advice Service has revamped the Parent’s guide to money | AQP - Simon Popay investigates the impact of AQP on maternity services | RCM Alliance ...
Evidence-Based Midwifery Journal

Evidence Based Midwifery - March 2012

01 March 2012 Artistic approaches to data collection | Skilled help from the heart: the story of a midwifery research programme | Midwives and the time | Postnatal care across the Northern Ireland and Republic of Ireland border | A qualitative exploration ...
Evidence-Based Midwifery Journal

Evidence Based Midwifery - December 2011

01 December 2011 Editorial: A snapshot of African research presented at the ICM 29th Triennial Congress 2011, Durban, South Africa | Factors influencing counselling for HIV testing of pregnant women as perceived by lay counsellors | Pasteurisation of expressed ...
Midwives Magazine

Midwives Magazine - Issue 7 - 2011

01 November 2011 Pensions - The RCM and other trade unions are planning to send a determined message to the government in the form of a Day of Action | i-folio - How organised are you? The RCM’s new electronic portfolio can store members’ CPD records and reflective ...