Maternity All-Party Parliamentary Group 

The RCM is the secretariat for the APPG. 

The APPG’s overall aims is to develop policy that works to support safer practice in services and better workplace experience for midwives and maternity support workers (MSWs). It aims to raise awareness of what more can be done by the Government, Parliament or other agencies to help those impacted by challenges, and reduce risk in services.

The APPG officers are:

• Chair: Jill Mortimer MP

The group holds regular meetings, and hears from expert speakers, identifies problems or opportunities in national policy around maternity workforce issues, and advocates in Parliament for the best quality of support for members. The group’s details under the Register of All Party Groups is held here on the Parliament website.

APPG on Maternity and APPG on Baby loss joint campaign on safe staffing

Both the Health and Social Care Select Committee and the Ockenden Review recommended that the Government takes urgent action to increase the maternity workforce in order to deliver safer maternity care. For the 2022 campaign, the APPG on Maternity  and APPG on Baby Loss is joining forces to push for urgent action on the maternity staffing crisis.

To help better understand the experience of those directly impacted by maternity staff levels, the groups are opening a call for evidence. Individuals and organisations are invited to make a submission covering the impact of staffing levels on the quality and safety of maternity care and on staff morale and the experience of parents and babies.

The call will be open from Wednesday 22 June – Wednesday 3 August.

If you have any questions or queries, please email [email protected].

