Decolonising midwifery education.

Education marks the foundation of midwifery and the SMF believe that the education system should represent and reflect the needs of all students. Inclusion, Equity and diversity are vital in the midwifery climate which this webinar aims to address. The SMF has engaged with students from across the UK to hear their thoughts and feedback, and it is evident that there is a need  for education to reflect individuals  from all ethnicities as it stands 94% of the midwifery curriculum is centred around a euro-centric model. The three aims of this webinar are to:

  • discuss the current state of midwifery education
  • discuss the challenges associated with the current midwifery education system identify some of the solutions moving forward


Chair: Enitan Taiwo SMF Vice Chair

Toyin Adeyinka (Lewisham MVP Chair (Maternity voices partnership),

Chelsea Beckford-Procyk (STMW),

Natalie Goodyear

Edward Lampart

Speaker biographies
