Consultation opened on job evaluation matching profiles for midwifery bands

on 15 May 2024 Midwifery Midwives Pay RCM RCM Member RCM Branches NHS NHS Staff

The NHS Job Evaluation Group is currently consulting on proposed revisions to the job evaluation matching profile for midwifery - bands 4, 5 and 6. This follows calls from the RCM having highlighted that the current profiles haven’t been reviewed for many years. The RCM says its members roles have evolved and new roles have developed in maternity services, so this review has never been more important.

The RCM will be submitting a response to the consultation itself and wants to know your views on the proposed changes, particularly if you are an RCM steward or a trained job matcher. Your feedback will inform RCM’s response and you can have your say by completing this short questionnaire.

The RCM is also encouraging stewards and job matchers to work in partnership with HoMs to submit a separate response. This the RCM says would involve the following:

  • Provide evidence to show that the language in the job profiles and examples used are relevant.
  • Identify any jobs at that band that wouldn’t match the profile of
  • To help respond to the consultation, the Job Evaluation Group have produced a document that compares the existing profiles with the proposed revised drafts.

The overall aim is to ensure that the updated profiles are fit for purpose. Responses should be submitted using the online form here.

Commenting, the RCM’s Director of Employment Relations, Alice Sorby, says:

“A fair and equitable job evaluation practice is crucial to ensure better staff engagement. But we know that for many years, where staff have challenged their banding and asked for job descriptions to be updated this has met with significant push back and where a re-banding application has been requested the process has been protracted.

The RCM supports the NHS Job Evaluation Scheme, but it requires investment and capacity building. There has been a lack of investment over several years and the RCM is calling for this to be addressed.”

The feedback questions can be found here and responses should be submitted using the online form here. The consultation closes on Thursday 30 June.
