31-40 of 76 result(s)

Impact of social and ethnic inequalities clear in latest MBRRACE-UK report says RCM
‘The highest stillbirth rates continue to impact women living in the most deprived communities where social inequalities are entrenched.' That’s according to the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) as it responds to the latest MBRRACE-UK PMRT ...Much more work needed to improve Muslim women’s experience of maternity care says RCM
The Royal College of Midwives (RCM) has today reaffirmed its position that discrimination has no place in maternity care as it responds to a new report on Muslim women’s experience of maternity care. The research undertaken by the All-Party ...
RCM welcomes CQC report on survey of women’s experience of maternity care
Listening to and acting on women’s experiences of maternity services and midwifery care is crucial to delivering safe high-quality care. That’s the message from the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) as it responds to the results of a major survey ...
Wales maternity safety plans welcome but must be backed up with investment says RCM
The Royal College of Midwives (RCM) has welcomed Welsh Government plans announced today to improvement maternity safety, and says they must be backed up with investment in staff, training and resources.
RCM calls for immediate delay to NHS staff mandatory vaccination plans
The Royal College of Midwives (RCM) is calling for an immediate delay to Government plans for mandatory COVID vaccination of NHS staff in England, fearing a catastrophic impact on maternity services.
Safe maternity care is a right for all women says RCM on prison stillbirth report
A report was published yesterday by the Prisons and Probation Ombudsman into the stillbirth of a baby at HMP Styal.
Continued impact of entrenched social inequalities clear in latest MBRRACE-UK report says RCM
The Royal College of Midwives (RCM) has said ‘the continued impact of entrenched societal inequalities continues to show in these tragic results’ as it responds to the latest MBRRACE-UK Saving Lives, Improving Mothers’ Care report 2021. This ...
£3 million in funding to support RCM, RCOG and THIS Institute with ABC programme
NHS maternity staff will benefit from a further £3 million to improve the safety of the women and babies they care for, the Patient Safety Minister has announced today. The funding will support the RCOG, RCM and THIS Institute to deliver the ...