We are currently working together to co-produce the RCM maternity voices network. This will provide an opportunity to improve the experiences and outcomes for all involved in maternity services by bringing together services users, midwives, maternity support workers and student midwives to support and influence the RCM in all areas of its work, to further align the needs of our members and those of the women and families they work with.
"While we have lots of ideas for how to get started, we don't want to dictate how we will do this. I'm keen that we co-produce the network. This means involving everybody in designing how its going to loo, feel and work. I'll be speaking to lots of people over the next few months and welcome any ideas or thoughts about how we can make this happen"
Emily Ahmed, Service User Chair, RCM Maternity Voices Network
How to get involved
Over the next few months we will be co-creating the structure of the network and how it will work, if you would like to be involved in this or would like to join the network once it is established please sign up to our mailing list below and we will be in touch with opportunities and updates.
Meet the Chair
For more information on the MVN Chair Emily Ahmed click here
Meeting dates
Due to COVID-19 restrictions meeting for the MVN are currently being held virtually.
The date and time of the impending meeting will be available in the coming weeks
Past meetings
The RCM MVN last met in September of 2020. To access the meeting notes click here
None scheduled at present
We recently held an event to share ideas and help to shape what the network should look like. The event brought together over 60 people either directly involved in maternity services or service users to hear their voices and help shape this new network. To view the meeting session click here