Donate today
From simple, essential support like money to repair a broken cooker or boiler, to vital life-changing aid like helping a family flee their home due to domestic abuse, the RCM and Cavell is here to help.
Your donation will help midwifery professionals get back on their feet in times of crisis and every day we’re encouraged by seeing the difference this help can make.

Donate today
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£10 can help towards covering essential bills for a midwife or MSW and their family facing financial crisis.
£25 can help towards travel costs for a midwife or MSW needing to attend chemotherapy sessions.
£500 can help towards buying emergency items for a midwife or MSW and their family fleeing domestic abuse.
We trust JustGiving to handle the processing of our online payments. You will be taken to their donor checkout when donating and you will see their name mentioned in the journey.
JustGiving doesn’t charge us a platform fee, but rely on the generosity of people like you to make this possible. You are given the option to add a tip as a small percentage of your donation. You are welcome to not leave a voluntary contribution, by entering ‘Other’ then add ‘0’.
Giving in memory
If you are donating in memory of a family member or friend, please visit our specific In Memory page.
Here you will be able to create a personalised tribute to your loved one and share a unique weblink to friends and family who can donate will be able to donate in one place. You will also be able to create personal messages as well as upload photographs.

Giving in memory
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