Caring for You is all about looking after each other, helping and supporting the whole maternity team to improve health, safety and wellbeing at work. We want all our members to be involved with their branch officers and workplace reps to promote and support Caring for You. Has your organisation signed the charter? Ask your local RCM Branch, get involved and see what you can do to help.
We know that branch activists working in partnership with their Director or Head of Midwifery have produced action plans to support changes that improve health, safety and wellbeing at work. We have great examples of the wonderful activity to raise morale, RCM Branch goodie bags, personal hygiene packs, tea parties, hydration stops and dedicated times to stop for a cuppa and a chat and branch social activities. Branches have also supported the physical working environment, improved break rooms or outside spaces for the team. Wobble rooms, mindfulness areas for teams to get some quiet time.
View the latest news and updates for our increasingly active branches in our branch updates.
During the Covid-19 pandemic our health and safety reps and stewards play a key role locally raising concerns members have around the virus, PPE, visiting, shielding, testing, vaccinations and risk assessments. They kept us informed so we had the evidence to lobby on your behalf.
We have a put together some useful presentations on the following topics that you can download for your own workplace purposes.
- Menopause and the Equality Act (Activists information)
- Working with the menopause (Activists slide deck)
- Caring for You plans for workplace reps
- Caring for You presentation and background for workplace reps and stakeholders
- Hydration - time to have a drink
- HSE guide consulting with employees
- Northern Ireland health and safety presentation
- Caring for You: Activists toolkit & action plans
- Caring For You: Action Planning for Activists presentation
- NHS Staff Facilities presentation
- Caring for You: Employer evidence
- Caring for You: Campaign action plan
- Caring for You: Campaign steps

Caring for You charter
Download here