Health and Safety webinars 2021

Here are the recordings of the webinars held for Health and Safety reps in 2021. Please note the information was correct at the time of broadcast.

26 November 2021

Welfare facilities for healthcare staff

TUC Mental health and the workplace

Health and Safety Law leaflet

Risk assessment presentation

Supporting members in the workplace presentation

21 May 2021 panel

  • Linda Allan, Regional Officer, RCM
  • Shelly AsquithHealth and Safety Policy Officer, Trades Union Congress
  • Alice Sorby, Employment Relations Advisor, RCM
  • Lesley Wood, Health and Safety Advisor, RCM

Useful resources


26 March 2021


26 January 2021

  • Covid vaccination programmes updates and vaccines.
  • Testing, track and trace 
  • Re introduction of CO2 monitoring of women and the relevant risk assessments
  • Disciplinary policies review

20 June 2020

During the COVID-19 period the H&S rep role has been thrust into the spotlight and now more than ever your skills and knowledge are required to help ensure RCM members are safe at work. With the focus on both workplace and individual risk assessments we want to share some good practice principles, along with ideas for how to involve the whole activist team.
