A series of webinars on pensions with a focus on the changes in 2022

Your NHS pension

Pensions update 12 July 2023

In this webinar  Dale Walmsley and Charlotte White from First Actuarial explain recent changes to the NHS Pension scheme, including the full introduction of the 2015 scheme, contribution structure changes, McCloud remedy and recent flexibilities. Don’t forget you should access their own pension statements via TRS through ESR and that NHS employers and NHS BSA websites have lots of information and fact sheets to guide them.

Pensions update 7 March 2022

This  webinar focuses on the changes to the NHS pension schemes across the UK. On the 1 April 2022 those in the NHS pension scheme will all be moved into the 2015 scheme. Lynne Galvin and Alice Sorby discuss what this will mean and respond to questions from members. Mary Caddell, Regional Officer Northern Ireland and Jackie Mitchell, National Officer Scotland set out the differences in their respective countries. If you need further advice out your pension we strongly recommend contacting an independent financial advisor, the RCM cannot provide individual pension advice.

Mary Caddell, Regional Officer Northern Ireland, Lynne Galvin - Regional Head, Jackie Mitchell, National Officer Scotland, Alice Sorby - Employment Relations Advisor

Changes to the NHS pension scheme

This  webinar focuses on the changes to the NHS pension schemes across the UK. From 1 April 2022 those in the NHS pension scheme will all be moved into the 2015 scheme.

Saving enough to stop work

Setting targets for retirement, looking at how much you’ve built up and what you’re building up, and potentially taking action to address any shortfalls.

 Zoë Sadler is a qualified actuary with 26 years’ experience in the pensions industry. She is part of First Actuarial’s Financial Wellbeing team and worked at several other actuarial consultancies before joining First Actuarial in 2019.  Zoë is very enthusiastic about helping people to understand their pensions and wider benefits. 


Retirement living standards

Check your state pension

Changes to public services pensions

NHS business services authority

Click here for more blogs on the latest pension updates